Contestant’s Reaction Says It All In ‘Daily Show’ Trump Spelling Bee Spoof

“The Daily Show” dropped Donald Trump into a spelling bee and it went awry.
The presumptive GOP presidential nominee asked a contestant to spell the word “refuttal” in an edited clip featuring footage of his confusing refutal-refuttal moment at the Faith & Freedom conference in Washington, D.C., over the weekend.
Trump blathered on and on in the spoof clip and the contestant’s expression at the end said it all.
At the conference, Trump brought up the report that he had called members of the military “suckers” and “losers” when he was president.
“They made up a ‘suckers’ and ‘losers’ statement. So terrible,” he said.
“And my stupid people, when I wanted to refute it, said, ‘Sir, don’t dignify it with a refutal’ … or refuttal … what the hell word would that be? … ‘Sir, it should not be dignified, sir,’” he went on.
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