Minnesota Lt. Governor Reveals Tim Walz Anecdote That Makes Him Even More Likable

As lieutenant governor of Minnesota, Peggy Flanagan (D) has had to consult Gov. Tim Walz (D) on a number of issues — but she recently recounted one that was a little outside of his job description.
Flanagan told Politico in a story published Wednesday that, shortly after the 2018 election, she found out her daughter had lice. Her first instinct was to call Walz.
“Help, my child has lice, and I don’t know what to do,” she recalled saying. Flanagan admitted to being “super freaked out,” since “we’d never dealt with it before.”
However, Walz knew what to do, and told Flanagan, “Go to Target, and then FaceTime me from the aisle.”
Once she was there, she called Walz, who had her show him all the different options available.
“He was like, ‘This is the one that you get,’ And then he’s like, ‘Once you get home, FaceTime me again,’” she said.
Flanagan said she made the next call from her bathroom as she was picking nits from her daughter’s hair.
Lice shampoo recommendations aren’t the only way Walz has shown he is a good neighbor.
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