Piers Morgan Tells Guest The Odds Of Trump Having Sex With Her In Wild Exchange

Host Piers Morgan told a guest it was “unlikely” Donald Trump would have sex with her ― but then reassured her she was attractive enough in a bizarre exchange. (Watch the video below.)
It was Daniels’ alleged hookup with Trump that prompted him to pay for her silence ahead of the 2016 election. He subsequently disguised reimbursements for the hush money as a legal expense, a jury determined last week in convicting him. The payment was arranged through Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen.
“I will say this about Stormy Daniels,” Fiorentini said. “I think it’s incredible that she accepted $130,000 from Michael Cohen because, honestly, if I had the misfortune of sleeping with Donald Trump, no matter what the circumstances, let’s say I had Mad Cow and then I did DMT on an empty stomach, if I had the misfortune of sleeping with Donald Trump, there is no amount of money you could pay me to keep quiet about it because I would never tell a single soul. I would fake my own death and move to the Galapagos and pretend to be a bird.”
“I mean, I would say it’s very unlikely you would ever get the offer, but you do look quite like Karen McDougal, funnily enough,” Morgan replied, referring to the Playboy model who alleged she had a 10-month affair with Trump.
“Oh, so I’m not cute enough?” Fiorentini shot back.
“No, I just said you are,” Morgan said. “It was a compliment.”
Another panelist, attorney Mark Geragos, seconded Morgan.
Earlier, Morgan had tried to equate then-President Bill Clinton settling a sexual harassment claim with Paula Jones in a matter of public record with Trump’s criminal hush-money situation.
But Fiorentini made the moment memorable.
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